Saturday, October 17, 2020

"Regeneron" is NOT a cure for COVID 19

In fact, "Regeneron" is an experimental treatment, an antibody "cocktail" that may help the immune system. Its safety and effectiveness are still under consideration. It is not generally available, but apparently someone with enough clout may be able to try it out. Even if it is proven safe and if it becomes widely available, it would not be fair to call it a "cure." It might but a useful treatment--but we're still waiting for confirmation on that.

"Regeneron" was recently used as part of a spoof--a Youtube video that makes a couple of points: that there is currently no "cure" for COVID 19 and that Pres. Trump's history giving celebrity endorsements would come in handy if there were one, with the further implication that his boasts about his treatment and recovery should be taken with a grain of salt. 

Here's a link to the Youtube in question (the spoof itself starts at 1:31)

(starting point for the spoof: )

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